Rise Above the Chaos: Thrive in Global Challenges

I was 15 years old when 9/11 happened. I was playing hooky from school actually, so was sleeping in. My mom was phoned by a friend who said “we’re being attacked!” bracing us for whatever complete change in reality that was to come. My brother was playing video games on our only TV, and we never watched the news in the morning - it was an evening ritual, sitting around before bed watching the 10 o’clock news. Mom summarily told my brother to switch off the games, and woke me up so we could watch the news in the morning. There was no social media then - and we didn’t have dial-up, not to say that yahoo would have had much to say. 2001 was still TV and radio.

I remember that in the years that ensued I sort of dipped out of watching TV. I was going to school, working, and trying to feel optimistic about my future. Everyone had an opinion: we were going to war, and all my high school friends, who were bound for college like me were enlisting instead. At some point I started watching the news again - but this time, I always checked in first thing in the morning.

22 years later, little seems to have changed. We’re constantly bombarded with worry - rising inflation, job insecurity, and we’re either still at war or the rumours of war abound somewhere. The headlines are replete with global conflict, disease, and natural disasters, so it's easy to succumb to the weight of negativity. However, there's a choice we can make—to let these challenges consume us or to rise above them so we can continue to be productive, hopeful, and thrive.

Focus on What You Can Control

The world is a complex and unpredictable place. When I was 15 I didn’t know I would be in England working in the project management field. This was nothing I had planned for, and given the dire outlook on the economy, I was dubious as to whether I would even have a future. So it's unrealistic to think that we can control every factor affecting our lives, especially those external to our will. Instead of dwelling on things we can't change, it's more productive to concentrate our energy and efforts on what we can control—our own actions, choices, and mindset.

At work, we may not have control over global economic trends or industry disruptions, but we do have control over the enhancement of our skill set, work ethic, and determination. We can focus on our own personal development and continuous learning, and equip ourselves with the tools needed to navigate a changing landscape, and thrive despite adversity. That thriving may not be what you expect it to be - life often pushes us in directions we don’t expect, but it’ll be the knowledge you’ve gained on your path that will see you through life.

Develop Resilience

Resilience is a key trait that helps individuals bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive outlook even in challenging circumstances. It's the ability to adapt, learn from failures, and persevere. Staying focused and positive doesn't mean ignoring difficulties; to the contrary, it means believing in your ability to overcome them.

When faced with adversity - within your life or externally - view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. It may sound cliché, but each setback is an opportunity for the kind of maturation that can be transformed into a stepping stone toward future success. You will be surprised by the wealth of information you’ve collected over time that can help you cope with the inevitable problems and issues to navigate the scary terrain that is life. By maintaining a resilient attitude, the understanding that you can and will overcome, no matter what, you'll become better equipped to handle whatever the world throws your way.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Your environment plays a significant role in shaping your outlook on life. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can help you stay optimistic, even when the world seems bleak. Seek out supportive friends, mentors, colleagues, nature, and spiritual practices that uplift and inspire you.

I believe in God. I take the approach that it would be ridiculous to find a Rolex watch in the woods and search for a Rolex tree; it’s more sensible to search out a watchmaker. And if you’ve never heard of a Rolex, and don’t live in Switzerland, it may be tricky to find the watchmaker. But you continue searching. And searching for that greater good, that greater purpose in this beautifully constructed world, is how I stay positive, how I maintain my focus on the good things in life.

You don’t have to believe in God - but you MUST believe in Good. Do good deeds for others, consume uplifting and inspiring content. Read good books, watch documentaries, or listen to podcasts that showcase stories of individuals who overcame great odds to achieve their goals or at least found peace and a new perspective on their world. These narratives can serve as powerful reminders that optimism and determination can lead to remarkable achievements.

Set Transcendent Goals Incorporating Mindfulness

Having clear goals gives your life purpose and direction. When you have something to work toward, it's easier to stay focused and maintain a positive attitude. But sometimes life can interfere with your long-term aspirations, and you can begin to feel as though you’re going backwards instead of moving forwards.

So instead of career goals like “I’ll make £65,000 a year by the time I’m 35”, or recriminating that you’re past that age and haven’t achieved that salary or a higher one … say, “I’ll be in a fulfilling career that can support me and my dreams.” No matter what happens in the world, you can achieve. And you should celebrate every step of your progress along the way, no matter how seemingly slight, instead of setting non-flexible standards that may result in failure.

By setting meaningful goals for your career and personal life, you'll find it easier to stay motivated, positive, and grounded, even when faced with the most extreme of external challenges.

Mindfulness meditation and self-care practices are also powerful tools for managing stress and cultivating a positive outlook and mindset. When you set transcendent goals for your life, you can combine them with a mindfulness practice that encourages you to stay present in the moment, honour your emotions without losing control, and ultimately develop a sense of inner peace.


In a world filled with so much sadness and uncertainty, it's crucial to remember that you have the power to shape your own perspective and attitude. By focusing on what you can control, developing resilience, surrounding yourself with positivity - you can be and remain optimistic about your career and future, even in the event of extreme challenges that may arise.

Embracing optimism isn't about ignoring the obvious problems in society and the world, but about believing in your ability to rise above them and create a bright future for yourself, regardless.


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